boyf that every girls would wantt

  • when she misses you - (she's actualy hurting inside)
  • when she stares at your mouth - (kiss her)
  • when she pushes or hits you - (grab her and dnt let go)
  • when u see her at her worst - (tell her she's beautiful)
  • when u see she start crying - (just hold or hug her and dnt say a word)
  • when she teases you - (tease her back and make her laugh)
  • when she grab at ur hands - (hold her and play with her fingers)
  • when she tells u a secret - (keep it safe and untold)
  • when she look at u in ur eyes - (dnt look away until she does)
  • when she says she's ok - (dnt believe her but talk with her. actually, she's not ok)
  • when she starts cursing at you - (kiss her and tell her dat u love her)